Bow Valley Winter Bird List

Last updated 2024-02-02
Alberta  Edmonton  Calgary  
For the purposes of this list, the Bow Valley area is defined as almost all of the area that drains into the Bow River in the Canadian Rockies. This means:
Anything west of Hwy 1X/Seebe Dam and Hwy 40, to the BC border
Anything seen east of Highway 40, so long as the observer is on Hwy 40 or west of it
Highway 93 north to Bow Summit and south to the BC border
Examples of areas included: Bow Lake, Lake Louise, Lake Minnewanka, Spray Lake Reservoir, Kananaskis Lakes
Sightings of species not listed below, during the December through February time period, should be reported to the Facebook group Bow Valley Birding or the email list

Area Map

Ducks, Geese, and Swans    Canada GooseXXXXXX
 Trumpeter SwanX XXXX
 Tundra SwanX  X  
 American WigeonXX    
 Green-winged TealXX X  
 Ring-necked Duck   X  
 White-winged Scoter  X   
 Long-tailed Duck  X   
 BuffleheadX XXXX
 Common GoldeneyeXXXXXX
 Barrow's Goldeneye XXXX 
 Hooded Merganser X X  
 Common MerganserXXXXXX
 Red-breasted Merganser  XX  
Grouse and Pheasants    Ruffed GrouseXXXXXX
 Dusky Grouse X XXX
 White-tailed PtarmiganXXXXXX
 Spruce GrouseXXXXXX
Grebes    Horned Grebe   X  
 Red-necked Grebe   X  
 Western GrebeXXXX  
Pigeons and Doves    Rock PigeonXXXXXX
Rails and Coots    Virginia Rail   XX 
 American Coot X    
Plovers    KilldeerX   XX
Sandpipers    Wilson's SnipeXX XXX
Loons    Pacific Loon  X   
 Common Loon  X   
Bitterns, Egrets, Herons    Great Blue Heron X    
Hawks and Eagles    Golden Eagle   X  
 Sharp-shinned Hawk X   X
 American GoshawkXXXXXX
 Bald EagleXXXXXX
 Rough-legged HawkX XX  
Owls    Great Horned OwlXXXXXX
 Northern Hawk OwlX  XX 
 Northern Pygmy-OwlXXXXXX
 Barred Owl  X   
 Great Grey Owl X  X 
 Boreal OwlX  X X
 Northern Saw-whet Owl  XX X
Kingfishers    Belted KingfisherXXXXXX
Woodpeckers    American Three-toed WoodpeckerXXXXXX
 Black-backed WoodpeckerXXXXXX
 Downy WoodpeckerXXXXXX
 Hairy WoodpeckerXXXXXX
 Pileated WoodpeckerXXXXXX
 Northern FlickerXXXXXX
Falcons    MerlinXXXXXX
Shrikes    Northern ShrikeXXXXXX
Corvids    Canada JayXXXXXX
 Steller's JayXXXXXX
 Black-billed MagpieXXXXXX
 Clark's NutcrackerXXXXXX
 American CrowXXXXXX
 Common RavenXXXXXX
Chickadees    Black-capped ChickadeeXXXXXX
 Mountain ChickadeeXXXXXX
 Boreal ChickadeeXXXXXX
Kinglets    Golden-crowned KingletXXXXXX
Nuthatches    White-breasted NuthatchXXXXXX
 Red-breasted NuthatchXXXXXX
Creepers and Wrens    Brown CreeperXXXXXX
 Pacific Wren     X
 Marsh Wren     X
Dippers    American DipperXXXXXX
Starlings    European StarlingXX XXX
Mockingbirds, Thrashers    Grey Catbird  X   
Thrushes    Townsend's SolitaireXXXXXX
 Varied Thrush XX   
 Hermit Thrush  X   
 American RobinXXXXXX
Waxwings    Bohemian WaxwingXXXXXX
Old World Sparrows    House SparrowXXXXXX
Finches    Evening Grosbeak X X  
 Pine GrosbeakXXXXXX
 Grey-crowned Rosy-FinchXXXX X
 House FinchXX    
 Common RedpollXXXXXX
 Hoary Redpoll  X  X
 Red CrossbillXXXXXX
 White-winged CrossbillXXXXXX
 Pine SiskinXXXXXX
 American Goldfinch X    
Longspurs, Snow Buntings    Snow BuntingXXXXXX
New World Sparrows    American Tree SparrowXX X X
 Dark-eyed JuncoXXXXXX
 Harris's Sparrow     X
 White-throated Sparrow XXXXX
 Song SparrowXXXXXX
 Lincoln's Sparrow     X
 Spotted Towhee  X   
Icterids    Red-winged Blackbird  X   
 Rusty BlackbirdX XXXX
 Brewer's BlackbirdX     
 Common Grackle   X  
New World Warblers    Yellow-rumped WarblerX     
 Cumulative total100
 Previous years average67.2     
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