Calgary Winter Bird List

Last updated 2024-02-11
Alberta  Edmonton  Bow Valley
The count area is the 80-km radius circle centred on the Centre Street Bridge in Calgary.

Area Map

Ducks, Geese, and Swans    Snow GooseXXXX X 
 Greater White-fronted GooseX X XX 
 Cackling GooseXXXXXXX
 Canada GooseXXXXXXX
 Trumpeter SwanXXXXXXX
 Tundra SwanXXXXXX 
 Blue-winged TealX    X 
 Northern Shoveler XX XXX
 American WigeonXXXXXXX
 Northern PintailXXXXXXX
 Green-winged TealXXXXXXX
 CanvasbackXXXX X 
 Ring-necked DuckXXXXXXX
 Greater ScaupXXXXXXX
 Lesser ScaupXXXXXXX
 Harlequin DuckXXXXXXX
 White-winged Scoter    X  
 Long-tailed Duck   X  X
 Common GoldeneyeXXXXXXX
 Barrow's GoldeneyeXXXXXXX
 Hooded MerganserXXXXXXX
 Common MerganserXXXXXXX
 Red-breasted MerganserXXX X X
 Ruddy DuckX XX X 
Grouse and Pheasants    Wild TurkeyXXXXXXX
 Ruffed GrouseXXXXXXX
 Sharp-tailed GrouseXXXXXXX
 White-tailed Ptarmigan X     
 Spruce GrouseXXXXXXX
 Grey PartridgeXXXXXXX
 Ring-necked PheasantXXXXXXX
Grebes    Pied-billed Grebe   X  X
 Red-necked GrebeX      
 Eared Grebe    X  
 Western GrebeX      
Pigeons and Doves    Rock PigeonXXXXXXX
 Eurasian Collared-DoveXXXXXXX
 White-winged Dove X     
 Mourning Dove  XX  X
Hummingbirds    Anna's Hummingbird   X   
Rails and Coots    American CootX XXXXX
Plovers    KilldeerXXXXXXX
Sandpipers    Wilson's SnipeXXXXX X
Gulls    Ring-billed GullX      
 California GullX   X  
Loons    Common Loon      X
Cormorants and Pelicans    Double-crested Cormorant  X   X
 American White Pelican XXX   
Bitterns, Egrets, Herons    Great Blue Heron   X X 
Hawks and Eagles    Golden EagleXXXXXXX
 Northern HarrierXXXXXXX
 Sharp-shinned HawkXXXXXXX
 Cooper's HawkXXXXX X
 American GoshawkXXXXXXX
 Bald EagleXXXXXXX
 Red-tailed HawkXXXXXXX
 Rough-legged HawkXXXXXXX
Owls    Barn Owl  X    
 Great Horned OwlXXXXXXX
 Northern Hawk OwlXXXXXXX
 Northern Pygmy-OwlXXXXXXX
 Barred OwlXXX XX 
 Great Grey OwlXXXXXXX
 Long-eared OwlX   XX 
 Short-eared OwlXXXXXXX
 Boreal Owl   XX  
 Northern Saw-whet OwlXXXXXXX
Kingfishers    Belted KingfisherXXXXXXX
Woodpeckers    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker X     
 Red-bellied Woodpecker  X    
 American Three-toed WoodpeckerXXXXXXX
 Black-backed WoodpeckerXXXXXXX
 Downy WoodpeckerXXXXXXX
 Hairy WoodpeckerXXXXXXX
 Pileated WoodpeckerXXXXXXX
 Northern FlickerXXXXXXX
Falcons    American KestrelXXXXXXX
 Prairie FalconXXXXXXX
Shrikes    Northern ShrikeXXXXXXX
Corvids    Canada JayXXXXXXX
 Steller's JayXXX X X
 Black-billed MagpieXXXXXXX
 Clark's NutcrackerXXXXXXX
 American CrowXXXXXXX
 Common RavenXXXXXXX
Chickadees    Black-capped ChickadeeXXXXXXX
 Mountain ChickadeeXXXXXXX
 Boreal ChickadeeXXXXXXX
Larks    Horned LarkXXXXXXX
Kinglets    Ruby-crowned Kinglet   X   
 Golden-crowned KingletXXXXXXX
Nuthatches    White-breasted NuthatchXXXXXXX
 Red-breasted NuthatchXXXXXXX
Creepers and Wrens    Brown CreeperXXXXXXX
 Pacific Wren     X 
 Winter WrenX      
 Pacific/Winter Wren X  X  
Dippers    American DipperXXXXXXX
Starlings    European StarlingXXXXXXX
Mockingbirds, Thrashers    Grey CatbirdX X    
 Brown Thrasher     X 
 Northern Mockingbird   X   
Thrushes    Mountain Bluebird   X   
 Townsend's SolitaireXXXXXXX
 Varied ThrushXXXXXXX
 Swainson's Thrush   X   
 American RobinXXXXXXX
Waxwings    Bohemian WaxwingXXXXXXX
 Cedar WaxwingXXXXXXX
Old World Sparrows    House SparrowXXXXXXX
Pipits    American Pipit   X   
Finches    Evening GrosbeakXXXXXXX
 Pine GrosbeakXXXXXXX
 Grey-crowned Rosy-FinchXXX  XX
 House FinchXXXXXXX
 Purple FinchXXXX  X
 Cassin's FinchX      
 Common RedpollXXXXXXX
 Hoary RedpollX XX XX
 Red CrossbillXXXXXXX
 White-winged CrossbillXXXXXXX
 Pine SiskinXXXXXXX
 American GoldfinchXX XXXX
Longspurs, Snow Buntings    Lapland LongspurXXX   X
 Snow BuntingXXXXXXX
New World Sparrows    American Tree SparrowXXXXXXX
 Fox SparrowX X    
 Dark-eyed JuncoXXXXXXX
 White-crowned Sparrow  X    
 Harris's Sparrow X XXXX
 White-throated SparrowXXXXXXX
 Savannah Sparrow   X   
 Song SparrowXXXXXXX
 Lincoln's Sparrow      X
 Spotted Towhee  X    
Icterids    Yellow-headed BlackbirdX      
 Western Meadowlark XXX   
 Red-winged BlackbirdXXXXXXX
 Rusty BlackbirdXXXXXXX
 Brewer's BlackbirdXX X   
 Common GrackleXXXXX X
New World Warblers    Cape May Warbler   X X 
 Palm WarblerX    X 
 Yellow-rumped WarblerXXXXX  
 Cumulative total153
 Previous years average112.8      
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